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Hubbell Industrial
NEMA Rated AC Clapper Style Magnetic Contactors
Type 5110
(See Type 5210 for DC Contactors)

Rugged Euclid™ contactors feature many unique design and engineering advancements that greatly simplify applications, installations and servicing... Over 65 years of experience in design as well as manufacturing has been incorporated into these highly reliable units.
The Contactor line uses the latest technology in molded plastic materials for those parts requiring insulating qualities and strength.
Completely front-connected, front removable "deadback" base design eliminates all nuts and bolts as well as live parts on the back making these contactors suitable for steel panel mounting. There is easy front access to every part of the contactor for ease of inspection and maintenance.
Available in NEMA sizes 1 through 8, Single, Two, and Three Pole configurations.
Convenient DIRECT-WIRING for Right or Left Hand Power Connections. Rugged Terminals on both sides of the Power Poles for all power connections (NEMA sizes 3 through 8).
Encapsulated 115 or 230 V.DC operating coils (standard), for long contactor life.
Corrosion resistant, durable, welded steel construction armature assembly incorporates stainless steel spring as well as stainless steel hinge pin providing long mechanical life
Auxiliary Electrical Contact block can be mounted on either the right or left hand side of the Power Pole. Contacts are bridge-type, double-breaking, silver-cadmium oxide. Units can be "stacked" two deep, for multi-circuit arrangements. Auxiliary Electrical Contacts are supplied in kit form consisting of one or two contact blocks each housing one(1) normally open and one (1) normally closed set of contacts, one knocker, plus the necessary mounting hardware.
Hinged Arc-Shield for easy inspection and replacement of contactor tips.
Efficient dynamic blow-out coils on the power poles affords unusually high arc rupturing capacity.
Selection of main contact tip materials, hard-drawn copper (standard), silver-cadmium oxide, or silver-tungsten- carbide.
All bearings consist of stainless steel pins working in oversize self-lubricating powered metal bronze bushings.
- Long life results from the low-inertia design and DC power-plant which provide fast-action without destructive hammering.
Rugged welded, pressed steel construction coupled with an efficient DC power plant and arc rupturing assembly has given these mill-duty contactors an enviable service life.
Most parts are interchangeable with Type 5210, DC contactors.